Articles, Videos, Whitepapers

Latest from Dave’s blog for founders and product leaders.

Dave explores the obstacles preventing smooth strategic execution.

Dave and Randy Silver chat about communities of practice.

Overcome the Product Momentum Gap

As a company scales teams grow fast and product management demands expand quickly. As more people are hired and more customers are acquired, the pace slows down. Decision velocity holds back progress. Pressure to grow broadens the target market for the sales team. The speed of growth starts to decline and the promise of a hockey stick graph fades.

We call this the Product Momentum Gap - and we can help you overcome it.

How to execute product strategy


Throughout my career as a CPO and, more recently, as a product leader coach, I see leaders and teams struggle to execute product strategy. 

I wrote this 10-part series explaining the Product VCP (Value Creation Plan) with step-by-step templates to improve your strategic effectiveness. 

Product Market-Fit is Dead

Authors: Andrea Saez & Dave Martin

This whitepaper explores the pitfalls of product market fit and improved ways to model and execute your product strategy.